Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mental Safari

It's that time of year again. No...not Christmas (don't panic). Time for my period. I say that time of "year" because I have PCOS and skip a lot of periods.

I have this theory that because I only get a few a year, my PMS symptoms are quadrupled. No, I don't really get bitchy or weepy...just hungry. And I eat for 4. It's really upsetting that WEEKS of hard work feel like they've been erased. GAH!

On a better note: my weeks of hard work have NOT in fact been erased. I weighed in at 242 this week, which is still a 2 lb loss! That makes for a total of 14 lbs in 6 weeks. Honestly, I'm baffled that I lost weight this week, but I'll take it!

So what did I do today? I laid around in bed for a while, listened to some Lady GaGa (I'll blame this as a PMS symptom as well) and ate some oreos. I'm not going to was pretty awesome when I was doing it. But now? Well now I feel like a rhinoceros. Big and fat and angry. Angry at myself for gorging on oreos and not getting up to run like a planned on. I also have a breakout that looks similar to a rhino horn. Just saying.

The good news is I finally got my Seventh Generation box! They sent me all sorts of goodies to review. I'll be hosting a giveaway as soon as I decide to end my mental African safari and start cleaning with them.

Also, one of my oldest and best friends has decided to join Twitter and the blogging world. Check her out at @LAbleedsBlue and Piece of the Pie. She's starting a weight loss journey like many of us and could use all the support and accountability she can find! She's also pretty damn rad.

One final note, Subway is sponsoring Mamavation once again this week. What a great company! They never seem to be short on gift cards for us Mamavation Sistas, and you can never go wrong with a turkey on wheat loaded with veggies when you simply don't have time or don't feel like cooking. McDonalds is not the only option!


  1. I'm suffering from PMS this week too and it's always hard for me because I get extremely moody and sad and I crave chocolate like nobody's business.

    Yay for loosing weight though, that's great!!!!

  2. Yay for the 2lb weight loss girl!! Hang in there brush yourself off and get your workouts in!!

  3. You're amazing - thanks for the shout out.

    You are not a rhino. Congrats on your weight loss thus far - you look great! You're doing fantastic and oreos are definitely not going to bring down your stride. You look at those oreos and tell them - F you and throw them away (and pour tobasco on them). Because low isn't until you dig the oreos out of the trash to eat. : )

  4. Enjoy that loss CJ I think you're rocking! We all have those crappy pms weeks too--don't let it get you down! I'm cheering for ya!

  5. PMS is a bitch. I feel you!

    Shake it off and move on. Its a new week! New Challenges and New ways for us to kick those Challenges ass! You can do this girl!

  6. Wow 14 lbs in 6 weeks is pretty incredible. Just sayin'. :) Keep up the hard work! It's so nice when you can see results, to take that motivation and run with it!

  7. Congrats on the loss. I could not even imagine what your PCOS is like and a few periods a month. I would have also had a Lady Ga Ga bed fest with some treats. Make this week a good one, I look forward to your 7th Gen. review.

  8. A 2 lb loss AND you got to eat Oreos?? Score!! This tells me that you are doing such a fab job, that the little set back didn't hurt you. We all have off days, you just can't let it get you down! Great job!! & congrats on the loss!

  9. WOW two pounds I am so happy for you! The biggest challenge to having these down days/times is not to be to hard on yourself but hard enough to get up and get moving! I know you can do it. I just scrambled to the top of a funk I know you can too! You are on the right path just get moving again.

  10. Isn't it funnny how when you feel like you've done horribly, you lose weight. Consider that a little balance for your bad PMS.

    For what it's worth, I think we've all taken a mental African safari. Glad you're back to the real world.

  11. That was me last week. Blergh. Just focus on one day at a time. You'll get thru it! Good job on the loss!

  12. Oh I do *NOT* miss those PMS symptoms (I don't expect mine to return until T is 1 year - I am a nursing mom). *hugs* Great job with the loss... and keep moving forward! :)

  13. Mine are totally irregular too. I agree with your theory. IT's totally true. And congrats on the weight loss!! XXOO

  14. PMS sucks. So does PCOS. Nothing we can do but hang on UGH All I can get anyone to do is give me hormones! BLARGH

    And killer job on the 14 pounds!!!! You are doing amazing :-)

    BTW I saw your mom today....

  15. That's what my week was two weeks ago and I still lost two pounds. This last week... I gained three! Ugh! I did however refrain from buying yummy Oreos that were on sale. lol :)

    Congrats on the weight loss! Look forward to chatting with you more!


  16. Girl...if all you did was eat a few oreo's you are good! Don't get too upset. Enjoy what you had, and move on. 2lbs is awesome! Yay you! Good luck this next week.

  17. Oh I hate the week of my period! I gain 5pounds EVERY time!! Thankfully it goes away the following week, but STILL!! Anyhoo...we all have our "oreo" days, just remember that each day's a new day.

  18. I feel ya on the irregularity. It's such a pain. Go ahead and have the Oreo's, but remember to get back up and moving. Have you found any exercises that help with the PMS symptoms? Sometimes going for a walk, or dancing around the house can make it all feel a little better! Congrats on the loss!

  19. yeah! 2 pounds and 14 pounds in 6 weeks! You're rockin it CJ!

  20. Don't beat yourself up, just don't fall into that trap again. Way to go on the weight loss, count each success as a victory.

  21. 14 lbs in 6 weeks is no drop in the bucket! You go, girl!!

    And don't sweat the Oreos! It is damn near impossible for us to be rid of junk food in our house, so naturally, I caved into having a bite of taco bell, a mini donut and a bite of a big donut this week. As long as we're not snarfing this stuff every day in large amounts, we should be fine, right? Gotta keep our eyes on the big picture! These little stumps aren't going to stop us from what we really want. :)

